Communication skills course


Delivery Mode

Live Online & face to face classroom



skill level



16 hours




Course Overview

An effective presentation aims to change the audience and get them to think or act differently. The presenter should be able to engage them with a clear, focused message, logical arguments, and compelling visuals. Add a passionate delivery that evokes emotions and your presentation is sure to impact your audience forcefully.

This sixteen hours program provides a guiding framework to teach others how to design, develop, and deliver compelling, high impact presentations. Participants will learn simple, innovative concepts they can apply throughout the design and delivery process. Additionally, participants will review how to structure presentations, research content, create impactful visuals and enhance their delivery skills.

Delivery Methods:

Completing this course will help you:

By the end of this training course participants will be able to:

Who is the course for?

Business professionals and aspirants who wishes to dramatically enhance their presentation skills

Learning Path

  • Character, logic, and emotion
  • The three principles of presenting
  • What’s the point?
  • Knowing your audience
  • Researching your topic
  • Creating your structure
  • Visualizing your ideas
  • The function of slides
  • More images and fewer words
  • Backgrounds, fonts, and contrast
  • Bullets, quotes, and using animation
  • Slide design tips
  • Are you an expert?
  • Dealing with nerves
  • Looking the part
  • Attitude, skills, and knowledge of the perfect presenter
  • Passion, proximity, and participation
  • Beginning with a P.U.N.C.H.
  • Building rapport and addressing questions
  • The charisma recipe
  • Having a powerful ending

Competitive review game

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